Press Release, Management Centurion Newsroom Press Release, Management Centurion Newsroom

Centurion appoints Jordan Reeve as CEO

Centurion announces a new CEO as Jordan Reeve becomes the 3rd generation Reeve to helm film production at Centurion.

LUXEMBOURG: MAY 12, 2020 — Centurion is thrilled to announce the appointment of Jordan Reeve as their new CEO. Rising through the ranks both on and off set, Jordan becomes the third generation Reeve involved in filmmaking at Centurion.

“It is an honour to continue to grow the Reeve legacy in film and to ensure that the company’s focus on strong and efficient independent cinema production continues,“ says Jordan.

At Centurion, Jordan will be guiding the company on their continued plan for growth as production approaches its fourth decade while maintaining the legacy of excellence and leadership in the field of visual entertainment. Managing and overseeing diverse teams of production crew across all productions, generating new strategies and plans of action, all while exemplifying the company’s core values of collaboration and professionalism.

Centurion partner and President Tom Reeve said, “Having continued to build this company for more than 35 years it's only right to hand over the reins in this new and exciting time for scripted entertainment. I have no doubt that the qualities that have made Centurion a global player will continue, and grow, working with our friends and colleagues around the world.”


Originally founded  in 1987, Centurion has grown from a specialised production services company based locally in Luxembourg, into a globally recognised and multi-award winning production group who’s films have so far been presented with two Golden Globes, two Emmys and a plethora of other industry acknowledgements. Alongside its own independent productions taking place all over the globe, Centurion continues to work with major studios on both feature length films and high-end television drama.




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